Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Anna Tatangelo is Benjamin Button

New judge of X Factor 4, Anna Tatangelo was interviewed by Grace, where he recounted his evolution since become a mother. Now that the baby was born Andrew, and feels younger than ever:

"As Benjamin Button, the film with Brad Pitt ... is born old and growing young boy is back. It 'was my son. Since he was born I decided that I can be as light and happy. Basically a girl ... "

He knows he is often viewed with prejudice by the people but at the same time its strength allows it to move forward in spite of everything and being a tough girl (for the record, is 23 years old). Prefers to describe "quiet" to avoid the risk of being too happy and then later have the fear of losing everything. Also reveals a particular unknown to everyone:

'I have three tattoos, including one depicting groin Sylvester. Gigi D'Alessio has been done to affect Tweety "

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